I would like to donate in / 捐款形式 *
Once / 一次性捐款
Monthly / 每月捐款
Name of Donor / Organinsation 捐款者姓名 / 公司名稱 *
Contact Person 聯絡人 *
Email / 電郵 *
Phone number / 聯絡電話 *
Address / 通訊地址 *
Amount (HK$) 捐款金額 *
Offical Receipt required (send by e-mail) 需要正式收據
Payment Method 捐款方式 *
Crossed Cheque - Learning Bridge Association Limited /
FPS (FPS NO: 101863769 ). Please provide the bank receipt
for our reference / 請提供銀行收據
Via Bank Transfer or Remittance. Please provide the bank
receipt for our reference / 請提供銀行收據
Donation by Cheque / 支票捐款
Please post to Learning Bridge Association Limited 17/F Hing Lung Commercial Building
68 Bonham Strand Sheung Wan Hong Kong / 籽橋社香港上環文咸東街68號興隆大廈17樓
Donation via Bank Transfer or remittance/ 銀行轉賬或匯款 捐款
Bank information:
Account Name: Learning Bridge Association Limited
Bank A/C no: 015-514-68-11420-7
Bank Name: The Bank of East Asia, Limited
Bank Code: 015
Swift Code: BEASHKHH
Bank Address: 10 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
If you have already made the donation through FPS/bank transfer/remittance/,please e-mail
the transaction record or bank deposit receipt to
or WhatsApp to 9182 6982
如您已透過轉數快/銀行轉賬/匯款完成了捐款,請將交易紀錄或銀行轉款/匯款收據 電郵到 info@learningbridgehk.org 或WhatsApp 到 9182 6982
Comments / 意見 *
Please press "Submit" to hand-in this form. Thank you very much for your generous
donation. Our staff will be in touch with you if needed. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact us at: 2155 2165 / 9180 6982
請按"Submit"以提交表格。 非常感謝你的慷慨捐款, 我們會按需要與您聯絡. 如有任何問題,歡迎電話與我們聯繫: 2155 2165 /
9180 6982